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Medicare Advantage Trial Period

Getting ready to sign up for Medicare? Thinking about a Medicare Advantage plan but not sure that’s what you really want. What if something goes wrong? You need to know about the Medicare Advantage trial period, a test run for a Medicare Advantage plan. Trial Right...
3 Ways to Dispose of Your Old, Unused Medications Safely

3 Ways to Dispose of Your Old, Unused Medications Safely

Many of the drugs that are prescribed to individuals sit in medicine cabinets months and years beyond their reasonable expiration date. These drugs may be harmful to you to take or for kids and grandchildren to sneak into or accidentally swallow. It’s important...
3 Ways to Dispose of Your Old, Unused Medications Safely

Do You Need to use an Insurance Agent for Medicare?

Learning Medicare on your own would not be an easy task. In fact, there are some people that have faced this tumultuous task alone. They’ve spent hours and hours researching terminology and definitions, plan types, specific election periods, do’s and don’ts, and...