More and more employers are beginning to integrate wellness programs into their benefits. Learn more.
Why wellness programs?
These programs encourage healthier and happier lifestyles by using activity monitors such as a FitBit, and other devices to monitor their daily activity. By participating, employees can receive rebates toward their annual medical insurance deductible and win prizes.
Having more active employees may decrease the medical utilization for your organization and in turn allow your organization to maintain stable rates over time. Creating a company culture that fosters and encourages healthier lifestyles is something that many employees are seeking as they apply for positions.
Corporate Tax Savings
Reduce Sick Leave
Additional Employee Benefits
Promote Health
Ensure HIPAA Compliance
Employers must ensure that they do not violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in their pursuit to build their wellness program. The DOL has published some final rulings based on non discriminatory practices to be considered. For example, below are a few programs that are compliant with the non discriminatory requirements:
- A program that reimburses employees for all or part of the cost for
memberships in a fitness center. - A diagnostic testing program that provides a reward for participation and
does not base any part of the reward on outcomes. - A program that reimburses employees for the costs of participating, or
that otherwise provides a reward for participating, in a smoking cessation
program without regard to whether the employee quits smoking. - A program that provides a reward to employees for attending a monthly,
no-cost health education seminar.

Wellness Plans Pay Off
In addition to the direct financial return on investment, companies have seen reductions in employee absenteeism, staff turnover and employee stress. Interested in seeing a proposal?